Mansi Bhatia would like you to review his/her blog.
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Blog review -- bring out those bouquets and brickbats

Mansi Bhatia
Mansi Bhatia
from San Jose
14 years ago

It's easier to handle virtual brickbats so let 'em come fast and strong. I'd really appreciate any constructive criticism.

I've been blogging daily for some time now (except for a brief week-long hiatus) and write about a variety of topics. What I'd like help with is determining a niche.

I've had a lot of people tell me I can write wonderfully about a diversity of things (professional tips, health care, poetry, philosophical/ideological rants), which is great, but in taking this blog to the next level, I'd like it to become a bit more focused.

Right now it's a little bit of everything...perhaps, that's a good thing, too?

Have a look, browse around, and let me know your recommendations.

I'd be eternally grateful.




Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Mansi Bhatia
Mansi Bhatia
from San Jose
14 years ago

Don't mean to be impatient, but just wondering if anyone has had the time to review my blog. I see a lot of new visitors from Indiblogger, but no one's replied to my post.

Just curious...

The link, just in case it wasn't evident:


Mansi Bhatia
Mansi Bhatia
from San Jose
14 years ago

Anyone willing to review my blog?

Mansi Bhatia
Mansi Bhatia
from San Jose
14 years ago

Thanks, Manoj. Aside from the redesign, what do you think about the content? I was trying to gauge a reaction regarding topics covered and deciphering whether or not a niche could be carved.

I'll have a look at your blog this weekend.

Again, thanks for taking the time. Appreciate your insights.


Sunil Joseph
Sunil Joseph
from Kochi
13 years ago

Hey Mansi,

that is a really good blog you have there. But you should have the top 10 posts in the home page too. 

I would say some rearranging would be a good idea. The archives should be towards the top of the page, and less space for the RSS widget. 

Punton Piper
Punton Piper
from Chennai/Kolkata
13 years ago

Well the content is good... easy going.. words flow sans any barriers.. No unnecessary pretention..


Read 2 of your blogs..

Constipated Mind.. humour was good..

What do you believe.. A serious topic well though upon.. I especially like the writing when the author relates the thoughts to his childhood and his/her contemporary views.