Surendra Singh would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

Please review my Short Stories :)

 I have tried a variety of genres. Hope you have fun reading them :)

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Vijay Bankar
Vijay Bankar
from Mumbai
14 years ago

hey your content is really good I really liked the aliens vs ghost post..have a suggestion though since your posts are long you can use a page break also reduce the number posts per page coz it is affecting your blog load time..also you try and googling and posting some images which might match your posts...that might spruce up your blog...


you can check out my blog as well..

Thank you Vijay :)

  You have given some good suggestions and i will try them out.  The suggestion to reduce the number posts per page, how do i do this? I don't see any option in Wordpress to do this...


  Also adding images, i just didn't feel like doing it  coz, eventhough it improves the presentation, the whole point of creating an atmosphere through words is lost. Perhaps this is me being too naive or old-fashioned :)


  I will check your blog as well :)

Found the answer:

Under "Reading Settings" -> "Blog pages show at most" did the trick.


Thanks once again for bringing this to my notice :)

Vijay Bankar
from Mumbai
14 years ago

glad you found my suggestions useful :D..looking forward to know what you think of my blog :D