I am new to blogger.I want to grow further by learning from my mistakes.thank you for your precious time.
The blog's template is very much attractive. Despite of being new to blogging you have made a very good looking blog. The post about hating but still cramming mindless definitions is very entertaining. Get some widgets that allow bloggers to connect with your blog.
@ashwini- I visited your blog,commented their and I wrote something on your review too.Thanks for inspiring me and will try to write even better.
@abhishek-Thanks for visiting and giving review on my blog.I think we all hate definations and somehow we all managed to get out of that rut actually I wrote that post after watching 3 idiots and that inspired me to write my own on that subject.
Kindly tell me what sort of widget should I add to connect with other bloggers.
the most famous widgets are the google friend connect. Else networked blogs widget is famous too. The latter integrates your blog with your facebook profile and hows people from facebook who follow your blog.
Pratibha, I love your blog and your writing is great. I just had a small suggestion for you - The font seems to be a tad small, if you could increase it a bit it would be more easy on the eyes
cool nice blog :)
good design...but like the name most.."PRATIBHA-the talent" :)