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Build Your Own Hovercraft

Pradeep Bhagwat
Pradeep Bhagwat
from Aurangabad
14 years ago

I build this website - 'Build your own Hovercraft` as a fun. I thought this is rare suject for indians and that is why I decided to build this website. I gather all the information about this subject and tried to give quality matter. This website is in developing process and it is already getting popular and traffic day by day. In the google ranking for some keywords it is on first page and for some on second. In Yahoo you will find it at first page. I would like if indiblogger friend review it.

- Pradeep Smile

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Kerala
14 years ago

it's really amazing that you have selected a micro nich. Have you selected this nich using Googel keyword tool? The gloabal monthly search of the keyword "hover craft" is around 75, 000. Most of the keywords such as "buy a hovercraft" , "do it yourself hover craft" , "one man hover craft" etc are less competitive and you can try to make the posts with such keywords. Since it is a micro nich site you need not to put much effort for articles, any you may not be able to update the site regualrly. Do some research and collect maximum information about hover craft-do some article re writing in search engine point of view.

All the best

Pradeep Bhagwat
Pradeep Bhagwat
from Aurangabad
14 years ago

Thanks Sujith for detail suggestions. As you said I searched this micro niche using Google keyword tool, but I have also searched at CBengine . This source is very helpfull to select exact products for promotion and competition also. It is free, but for some special features you have to pay them. I have note down your suggestion and I will try to implement it. Thanks for suggestions. Keep in touch with me.

In your success...
