Pavan Kulkarni would like you to review his/her blog.
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Batman is blogging! Who wants to review Batman's blog?

Pavan Kulkarni
Pavan Kulkarni
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Jus' kidding. Go ahead and review my blog :)


Edited 14 years ago
Reason: Reposting
Replies 1 to 16 of 16
from Bengaluru
14 years ago

Nice Blog Pavan. I like the post about being a bachelor. Phew.. I can't even think of a married life - An absolute nightmare!

Sanjeeta KK
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Interesting read. How to be a perfect bachelor is good with all the illustrations. All the best.

Pavan Kulkarni
Pavan Kulkarni
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Thanks Sangeeta :). I see you have a recipe blog. Great! Rest assured you have an addition to ur readers' list

Sakhi Shah
Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
14 years ago

Hi Pavan,

Just checked out your blog earlier because you commented on my reviews. Here's what I think.

1) Amazing content. Your facebook feed made me laugh. I'm also a fan of xkcd and I think you're doing a great job as far as all that is  concerned.

2) I don't think the somewhat sombre mood of the logo image (you know, lonely man walking in a dark wood) fits in with your blog, which is more light-hearted as far as I can see. I would change it to something else, especially considering your good photoshop skills...make it something personal and witty...maybe in the form of an xkcd type comic? (And lol, I always end up switching in the middle from gimp to paint too...sometimes its just easier)

3) I'd change the 'about' page to something about you or remove it. As it is it looks like a broken link.

4) I would add a small blurb somewhere on top of the blog that tells me, at a glance, what to expect. 'Life and Times of an Absent-Minded Soul' is not enough to sell a blog (according to me) and it would be great for new readers if you would put in a small blurb or something which says  - cricket, bollywood and humor with a pinch of craziness (or something else like that, I don't know what your blog is about yet)


That's it for now I think. Your blog is really good. Best of luck. :D


Hi Pavan.....

Superb man..... loved the bachelor and FB post..... Keep rocking :)


Being a newbie, I would like suggestion from you for my blog



Pavan Kulkarni
Pavan Kulkarni
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Wow, Thanks a lot Sakhi for the constructive criticism. Let me address each point

1) Thanks. There was not much actual writing in the last 2 posts. Do visit previous posts too :)

2) Haha, true point on the header. That header is the default one for 2010 from Wordpress. Blame it on my laziness for not changing it :P. I am actually working on a new header which will reflect the theme of the blog. Wonder when I'll finish it given my mild aversion to Photoshop. :D. I'm pleasantly surprised u know gimp, BTW, being a law student :)

3) Well, I had a nice 'About me' in blogger but wordpress doesn't allow more than140 characters. So I got frustated n pu that :P. I guess I'll change that

4)Point taken too. Sweet of you to point out so many things :)

Thanks a lot again. Keep blogging!



purushottam kulkarni
purushottam kulkarni
from Pune
14 years ago


i like your Dinika [blog] and enjoyed bachlor's life for a while !!

Koshy T
Koshy T
from Mumbai
14 years ago

You have style and you have a a nice sense of humor. 

your blog on b bachelor days gave me some nostalgia


Sakhi Shah
Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
14 years ago

I've suscribed to your blog...will read all the posts as they come out. :)

And I'm not a law student yet, aspiring law student, and GIMP has been one of my hobbies for a few years. Have you been involved a lot in designing on photoshop? (I guess so, because not a lot of people who aren't end up spending money on it...)

Anyway, I'm really happy to help and I'd love to see all the changes. :D

Just a question - why'd you switch from blogspot?




Pavan Kulkarni
Pavan Kulkarni
from Bangalore
14 years ago


Umm no,sorry if I gave that impression but I've started learning photoshop very recently n know only basic stuff. And I am not sure abt the money-spending part too. U can download Photoshop thru torrents (may be u dont approve of that?)

Thanks for subscribing to the blog. Yup, you'll see some changes soon :D

Blogspot was not able to render those comic strips properly. Wordpress did. And it has some nice features built in (blog stats, referrer links etc ...small things but useful) . Also Wordpress has a professional feel to it ;). Only disadvantage is u don't get lot of plugins like blogspot.

Sakhi Shah
Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
14 years ago

I know only basic stuff too... :) But, I suppose it might be better to download free software like GIMP instead of photoshop on torrents coz you might getter better support and plug-ins and stuff for it...just a thought.


Hmmm...what you say about wordpress is true, but blogspot is integrated with my google account, so I guess I wouldn't switch.

Anyway, will read more on your blog next week when tests get over. :)

Pavan Kulkarni
Pavan Kulkarni
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Well, Linux stuff is always good to use. I just choose photoshop just coz its heard more ofthen, I guess. And there r more tutorials. Its a long way before I'll need any additional plugins/features :D

Keep blogging  and keep in touch :)

Jayanth Tadinada
Jayanth Tadinada
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I have not read the reviews of your blog, so a few things might be repeated... 

1. the content is awesome... 

2. the template is a little disappointing... may be you should work on a personalized template that is as good as the content... also have a facebook page and a big RSS button because I am sure a lot of people would want to follow you after reading your blog. (trust me on this... I am a live example)

3. Please make time and post more often... that would be great :) 

4. our blogging styles are similar... ;) 

Pavan Kulkarni
Pavan Kulkarni
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Hey Jayanth,

Thanks man for the generous critique and comments on the blog :)

Yup, Few ppl have said this about the template. I have only my lazy ass to blame. I am working on it

Hehehe, yeah I read a couple of your posts and was like - damn , I have thought of this before. Why didnt I blog abt them myself? :D Lets keep an eye on each other's progress ;)

Rajamundry kada, babai?  :)


himanshu gupta
himanshu gupta
from delhi
13 years ago

great blog pavan. i am a regular visitor from now on.

from Kolkata
13 years ago

Lovely blog. Why don't you have the option to let people follow? 

You are really, seriously funny. Loved your bollywood posts. Seriously, add a follow widget to make it easier for readers. And what's this about your obsession with  Batman?