A Desi Girl's Guide to Relationship Survival is looking for a review
I felt a need for a dialogue and information about everyday interactions in Desi families and Desi life that often are very stressful for women. http://girlsguidetosurvival.wordpress.com/ is an attempt to let women know they are not alone in thinking or experiencing subtle emotional manipulation and abuse within the families and intimate relationships. How to escape abuse is not taught in the schools as just talking about abuse is such a loaded and taboo topic I felt a safe space was required.
Desi Girl is dedicated to spread the message that abuse is a learned behavior and both man and women can be abusers. To make a dent in the system that perpetuates abuse in the name of tradition,honor and shame we have to start questioning it at interpersonal level.
I request you to kindly review my blog so as to improve it and make it better.
Reason: Up dated the request parameters
Hello V, congratulations on the great blog you have. The content certainly has a lot of thought. I just thought that the design is a bit hard to navigate. But its the content that matters the most. Keep it up!!
Thank you for your input. Yes, there is a problem with the theme, text size text location color etc. A reader has offered to help me change the theme. I'm very tech challenged person.
Just wondering if you liked or found useful any information in particular that you would recommend to others.
Thanks again,
Desi Girl