Aakash Desai would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://kidinwhitecountry.blogspot.com/ ]

Looking for some feedback on random thoughts..

Aakash Desai
Aakash Desai
from Barrie
14 years ago

i have just recently adopted a fixed pattern for all my posts... :)

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Somebody Somewhere
Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
14 years ago

Page is too long. I suggest you get rid of Google ads or adopt a smaller banner.

Layout is simple, you cud work on that. Use more widgets. replace archive with 'latest entries' and a calendar/dropdown.

Writing is good although i'd recommend 'justify' your entries.

Aakash Desai
Aakash Desai
from Barrie
14 years ago

@Rahul when you say "justify" did you mean the alignment or justifying the points that i state on the blog...?

Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
14 years ago

Font justify.