Roy Daniel DSilva would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review this blog

Roy Daniel DSilva
Roy Daniel DSilva
from Mumbai
14 years ago


I have been running this blog/site since a while and would like a review of it in terms of:

  1. User Experience
  2. Content
  3. Features
  4. Enhancements.


Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Utsav Chakraborty
Utsav Chakraborty
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

Other than the apt domain name and the insane tag cloud, your blog is the one blog that I can relate/ aspire to in my writing genre (Hollywood, Bollywood, reviews et al). Keep it up, mon!

from Trivandrum
14 years ago

I loved the freelance resource. It's very informative and simple. I believe you are very comfortable doing it. Regarding Friday freak there is more hard work to be done :)

Roy Daniel DSilva
Roy Daniel DSilva
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hey thanks for the replies. As for FF, movies are my first love, so I made up a site about it. As for TFR,I am a freelance content writer, working from home and running two sites - so that's where I get my information from. :)