Fazeel Kazi would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://fazeelkazi.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 25

Photo Blog on My Travels - Please review

Fazeel Kazi
Fazeel Kazi
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

I have been blogging since quite a while but it was mostly a private blog.

Hence, please review and let me know about anything that needs to improved.

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: Review
Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Coimbatore
14 years ago

Hi Fazeel

Interesting travels... which with a few changes can be very itneresting to read..

A few suggestions from my side:

* impersonal photos - When there is a person especially posing for the photo, it becomes more like a family/person's personal diary. These photos will only interest those who know the person posing for the photo. Photos of landscapes / people unaware of the camera would make good companions to travel posts.

* Travel Information - Instead of focussing on the names of people who travel with you and timings of your arrival/departure, it will be interesting if focus is given to the kind of villages/forests yousee on route, animals or landmarks you chance upon, natural beauty of the place, historical information, where to stay and what to see kinds of information.

Hope this helps...

Fazeel Kazi
from Navi Mumbai
14 years ago

Yes, you're right; the postings have been this way since it was a private blog.

I have opened it up only recently. For the future ones; I'll surely follow your suggestions.
