Sweta SenGupta would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://disapearingcaravan.blogspot.com ]

Please review my life log:)

Sweta SenGupta
Sweta SenGupta
from Kolkata
14 years ago

Hi,this is Sweta, a twenty year old blogger from kolkata.Blogging somewhere three years ago started as a whim,which now has turned into a passion for me.I revel in good humour,good discussions and a fruitful debate,and two years..three blogs later I still contunue to share the nuances of my life on my blog. A feedback would thus be appreciated on my writing,since I someday wish to be to be published :)

thank you!

Have a nice day!



Edited 14 years ago
Reason: typos
Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Kumar Atulya
Kumar Atulya
from Delhi
14 years ago

After reading the 'about me' section of your blog, I presumed I was about to encounter some really flowery posts (you know with all the English Literature baggage behind you). I was however pleasently surprised by the free-flowing posts that you write. This is exactly what i like to read.

We do seem to have a common area of interest, FANTASY. You like reading them and I develop widely implausible scenarios on my blog. All in all an excellent read. Will definitely come back for more :).

Sweta SenGupta
from Kolkata
14 years ago

Literature isn't as flowery as it used to be,crisp sells and appeals more, I believe Tongue out Thank you for your kind words :) much appreciated!