Sneha Sharma would like you to review his/her blog.
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Do review ma blog

Sneha Sharma
Sneha Sharma
from Mumbai
14 years ago

As a blogger I am schizophrenic, I try to see things that people have not noticed and are not likely to...I write my own crazy stories and voice my opinions ... i believe in self -belief and so would like to increase the reach to reach more such schizophrenicz like review the blog



Edited 14 years ago
Reason: Do review ma blog
Replies 1 to 12 of 12
Sangeeta K.
Sangeeta K.
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hey Sneha. You've got quite a nice blog there, the style of writing is chic and refreshing, and the background don't hurt the eyes. Thats the first for a black background, you know. You write like a vivacious teenager. But, tell me, why the hell do you call yourself schizophrenic? A person undergoing medical schizophrenia isn't someone who sees the world differently. In fact, he is two different people at once. these people have such a morbid fear of their daily life situations that they assume another persona and, after a while, forget about it and go back to being the old them. This to-and-fro stays till the end of their lives. Hence, what you are looking for is Eccentricity and a Schizoidal or Schizotypal outlook of life. I'm not judging you, but it's just a fact, is all. I love how you've placed everything, so it all makes sense. I'd give you a 6.5/10 for your blog. It's not bad at all, so don't be disheartened. That's just my view of it.

Sneha Sharma
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks a lott Sangeeta,those words mean a lott to me!!

about schizophrenic,i agree with your description of medical schizophrenia.......but we forget that schizophrenic patients have ability of being two people in one, seeing things what others miss out, not all cases are from morbid fear of the present...its cruel for them but they are the ones who are really sensitive to the environment, they absorb everything consciously/sub-consciously, in everyones case two different beings are present...but we are sane or better word conscious enuf to let the real persona rule...they cant...but the tiff between the two beings go on till the end of our lives too....i considered the word eccentric....but dunt know why...i am kinda attached to "schizophrenic"... its as if m not conscious enuf for the real world but still not totally giving power to the other self!!

i know this is too much to grasp...but hey not all is black and white!! i have two ways of in real world...composed,mature,grounded,practical and the eccentric one during blogging...both of them cant exist together at one point..but are still there in me...

umashankar pandey
umashankar pandey
from Bhopal
14 years ago

Magnificent template. You have the breathless style of the young and the expectant. Please note, however, solecisms like 'despite of' is an immediate turn off. Please work on it.

One Grain Amongst the Storm

Sneha Sharma
Sneha Sharma
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks a lott Sangeeta,those words mean a lott to me!!

about schizophrenic,i agree with your description of medical schizophrenia.......but we forget that schizophrenic patients have ability of being two people in one, seeing things what others miss out, not all cases are from morbid fear of the present...its cruel for them but they are the ones who are really sensitive to the environment, they absorb everything consciously/sub-consciously, in everyones case two different beings are present...but we are sane or better word conscious enuf to let the real persona rule...they cant...but the tiff between the two beings go on till the end of our lives too....i considered the word eccentric....but dunt know why...i am kinda attached to "schizophrenic"... its as if m not conscious enuf for the real world but still not totally giving power to the other self!!

i know this is too much to grasp...but hey not all is black and white!! i have two ways of in real world...composed,mature,grounded,practical and the eccentric one during blogging...both of them cant exist together at one point..but are still there in me...


Sneha Sharma
Sneha Sharma
from Mumbai
14 years ago

@Umashankar Pandey

I am elated about you liking my style and i assure you that I will work on improving it!!

from Bangalore
14 years ago

A very refreshing style of writing with great thoughts. Good working. Its good to see a blog which is not for commercial purpose like mine :) Good Job!!

Sneha Sharma
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hey thanks Vikas,thanks a lott indeed


Giri Vijayakumar
Giri Vijayakumar
from Chennai
14 years ago

Just left a comment on your blog post titled "What was it??"

Interesting blog. I am following it now. I loved your blog layout. Can you increase the font size a little?

Sneha Sharma
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hey Giri, thanks a lott!! Saw your comment !! trust me it was a gr8 motivational booster!! I would surely increase the font!! it so happens the next font size becomes too big, but nonetheless would surely try!! 

and ya thanks for following!! Do keep reading my chattering!

Dr Roshan R
Dr Roshan R
from Kannur
14 years ago
i liked the blog... its smart and a worthwhile read.. checked out the articles in front and they all were a good read.. P.S. I too had planned to use that template but finally decided on the one i settled for.. overall, your blog deserves much better than the 37 indirank i see on top.. keep up the good work :) Sincerely, Dr Roshan P.S. would like to hear your opinion on my blog too if time permits :)
Sneha Sharma
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Mr Doc!! hey thanks!! thanks for not choosing that template!! Have been absolutely in love with it from the moment have seen it.... m happy that you think I deserve better Indi rank!! but it so happens that m not so frequent in posting!! moreover I still have to reach the level that has been defined by stalwarts like you!!

And I have been through your blog but would write reviews on your review page!!

Thanks a lottt again, I Hope you keep reading my chattering !!

Dr Roshan R
Dr Roshan R
from Kannur
14 years ago

looking forward to it, sneha... and more frequent posts at that :) after all, look at it this way.. if a doc can take time out from brain surgery for writing a post, surely yo can find a few mins too.. you have talent.. rest is in ur hands literally ( I'd say brain, but thats risky for a schizophrenic, right ??? ) :D

Sneha Sharma
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I am happy that you think there is talent in my chattering!! will try my BEST!! lol m a safe schizophrenic ,dunt worry!!

Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
14 years ago


I have read through EACH word of all these reviews and your replies which you have posted twice in one case.... :-) And maybe THAT"S why you are schizophrenic! Sangeeta, please note!

OK, jokes apart. Let me write an honest review. The language and content reflect the energy and well, impetuous nature of youth. (I have an 18-year old daughter, I know what I am talking about!)

So do the widgets, which are haphazard, to be honest.  Here's why I think so.

1. The search widget. You think anyone ever uses it? If you have the slightest doubt, send that to the dustbin.

2. The slideshow below that. Are they your pictures? Or pictures that you like? Or just random pics? Why not have a title to the slideshow telling us what it is. The pics are also of different dimension, and a bit of a strain (to my ageing eyes) really.

3. What are the fish doing there? Actually I have a personal loathing for that widget. But some of my favourite bloggers insist on keeping that. So you are just going to join that list!

4. Is there a smaller badge available for 'Follow Me on Twitter' widget? How about using that?

5. Page rank - I would be sincerely very happy and proud if your Page Rank becomes 10. In any case I can see your rank in my browser, so why have that widget there?

So that's it. If I have sounded like a doddering old man, that's because, well, that's what I am!

Keep writing, will follow your blog!

Best regards

Pushkaraj Apte

Sneha Sharma
Sneha Sharma
from Mumbai
14 years ago


Firstly, I thank you for going through each and every word written above (including my mistake of posting the reply twice!! ) I do the same when I go through the reviews of other bloggers ( I am no stalwart blogger to review others but I like to express what I felt after reading their blogs!!)

Thank you for the liking my language and content, I am extremely happy about that since thats something which is very basic about a blog. Widgets , looks etc are secondary...the content and language the the most primary subject.

I have tried to reduce the haphazardness of the widgets, please do check them and lemme know...

The search tab is not a widget, it is permanent fixture with the templete so I cant play with it, moreover I am not well versed with editing HTML so decided not to touch that...I thought of changing templete but I am kinda in love with the present templete so I pleasseee request you to bear with the search tab.

About the slideshow, the previous were random pictures off the net; In accordance to your suggestion I have made changes and now posted slideshow of pictures clicked by me. I have tried to keep dimensions uniform but there are some which either pixellate or look weird when I change the dimensions, so I have left them as it is.. again I request you to please bear with it.

About the fish!! (blush blush) I personallly lovvveee them...I dont know whether I am reading too much in the above words, "But some of my favourite bloggers insist on keeping that. So you are just going to join that list!" Thanks for the honor of including me in the list of your favourite readers ( I hope i didnt read wrong, but if I did please forgive me!! )

Twitter badge and Page rank taken care off

I appreciate that you went through my blog and not for once did I feel that you are doddering old man...comments like these will help me improve and that is best for me!!

Moreover I am happy you went thru ma blog!! When I started it , i had no idea people would like to go thru and comment, even while joining indiblogger and asking for review I had never imagined people would like my blog!!

Please do keep reading , it really matters to me!!

Thankss a lottt,


Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
14 years ago


If you are not an html junkie, it is best not to tinker with the template. Wise choice. Let the search thingie be.

The slide show now looks nice! When did you visit Jaisalmer?

As for the fish comment, you think too much! You like the fish, keep it. I have no problems with fish really. I eat them once in a while, in fact :-)


Pushkaraj Apte


Sneha Sharma
from Mumbai
14 years ago



I had been to Jaisalmer last October. I know I think too much...another proof of being schizophrenic!! hehehe

thanks again,


from Chennai
14 years ago

you have got a wonderful blog. I like the template of your blog, especially the aquarium with follow me link :) . Unaccustomed Earth is definitely a complete planet. Keep writing.  I'm following!!

from Chennai
14 years ago

would like to have a highly ranked blogger like you review my blog :)