Suravi Shome would like you to review his/her blog.
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Looking forward to your thoughts on my blog

Suravi Shome
Suravi Shome
from Chennai
14 years ago

General day to day musings. Nothing too profund. I write about the first thing that comes to my mind.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Aditya Tibrewala
Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
14 years ago

your writing style is weird. I dont know if it is intentional or not but instead of using commas your writing short sentances.

Please change your theme.. its old and overused and doesnt look very inviting.

from Kochi
14 years ago

Hey Suravi!

I dint mind the theme that much - maybe because I haven't seen it that often.

Oh - and the style of writing. I dint think it was wierd. But i do think that the other punctuation marks (namely the comma, the hyphen, the paranthesis etc) are feeling rather neglectedSmile

Too many 'full stops' <pun not intended>, I'd say... But if you like to have your blog that way, dont let my comment make you think twice.

Also, I read your latest post - nice one. You missed out "rehearsing the Academy Award acceptance speech before the mirror"  Laughing

Anyway, keep blogging!!

- Acidwoman <  >

from Thane
12 years ago

Very nice, and cool blog. I liked the posts therein. The writing style is crisp and easy. Really good! Will visit often.