Suneet Yadav would like you to review his/her blog.
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Just Check my Blog n Review it

Suneet Yadav
Suneet Yadav
from Gurgaon
14 years ago
Replies 1 to 5 of 5
from Bhopal
14 years ago

went through your blog. Overall a nice blog. Here are my observations:

You could reduce the number of posts per page for people with slow connections. way too many graphics, makes it slow to load.

Ads r nicely placed, but label cloud looks way too big.

Finally, it lacks the written word, which makes it look not so original. original written content is what would make ur blog popular.

Background image (banner) is a bit wide, taking up a lot of space on screen. try and reduce it if possoble.

Keep blogging.

Suneet Yadav
Suneet Yadav
from Gurgaon
14 years ago

ThankYou Dear !!! I'm highly obliged !!!

Suneet Yadav
Suneet Yadav
from Gurgaon
14 years ago

Dear Bloggers ...plz spare 1-2 mins to review my Blog !!! 

I'll highly thankful to you !!!

from chennai
14 years ago

I liked your blog. But the lack of text gives the impression that you are posting on the go. May be you should add four or five more sentences to each of your posts.

Wish you well.




Suneet Yadav
Suneet Yadav
from Gurgaon
14 years ago

thanks baskar bro......yah i'll put more text in next posts !!!