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What is the money making potential of my blog ??

from Bangalore
14 years ago

I have started my blog on everything on earth :) .

Anybody can suggest potential of making money conline with associated blogs,domains .

Thanks in Advance .


Edited 14 years ago
Reason: updating title
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Aditya Tibrewala
Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
14 years ago

firstly, about money making.

making money on your blog is not easy and you have to overcome a lot of hurdles.

the best way is to approach a direct sponsor who will pay you for ads, but they wont unless your blog is super popular.

the next best way is to use google adsense. You need to fulfill their criteria if you need approval. becoming the next prime minister of india is easier than getting their approval.

the last resort is to approach other online ad agencys like adbrite. They dont have any criteria but are very low paying.


now about your blog,

the blog subtitle is getting cut, you need to fix that

the left sidebar has wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much text, you may want to reduce it

your blog has too much text and becomes heavy and boring to read. try using a wider blog format and better spacing to make the text more appealing. you may also add some relevant pics

your text font is not consistent and you need to get that straight too.


thats about it



from hyderabad
14 years ago

hm, not sure what you are trying to convey

so just stopping here

Best of Luck in your endeavour to make money from your blog
