Please review my food blog
I want to keep up my taradional food alive in y kitchen and want to share my cooking experience to the web world.
My blog should be reviewed to tell me whether i am expressing myself to everyone properly.
Great recipes madam, thanks for sharing. Venn Pongal is my favourite.
Some of the pics have light reflections which you can perhaps work on. You may consider framing the pics. You may also want to do a video blog of some of the difficult recipes like Ras Malai.
I think you should choose a different template for the overall effect, let other bloggers comment on the template and widgets.
Thanks alot for your suggestions.I have changed my blog background hope it is ok now and woking more to improve my blog.suggestions or comments are always welcome.
The title is good.
A 3-4 lines of the receipe history, will encourage viewers to stay more the on your site.
A poll also will attract repeat visitors.
Thanks alot prashant for such a wonderful encourging words.I would love to see you again in my blog.
I will be frank. I tend to skip reviewing blogs that deal with things like cooking, knitting, crochet, kids, nappies, and all that.
But something about your blog compelled to look on, and read on.I am impressed by the SHEER EFFOR that you have taken in submitting the recipes. Superb.
Keep it up. I have no suggestions for improvement, really. I will try and cook some recipes that you have suggested, thats all I can say :-)
Pushkaraj Apte
My heartly thanks to you Pushkaraj for such a beautiful comments onmy blog and as said by others i have made some changes in my blog.Hope now it will be more eye catching.will be happy to see ur comments again.
Hi Subhashini,
Nice job on the recipies. My few tips:
* You can work on nice template as suggested by Lalit. present template is not working for me. Something light, fresh, u can choose from here -
* When writing any recipie, you can use different formats, I mean Ingredients and Method can be bold, larger in font and different in color. Baking instruction can be in different format. you know what I mean! Right now things are quite monotonous, so you can spice them up more.
* Work on the picture. Whenever I go to any food site I first look to the picture. If it is worhty then only I follow the recipe else skip it. If possible, take picture in day and with lots of light. Avoid night lights and reflection.
* Avoid picture of whole food, just take small amount in a bowl or plate and garnish it and then take snap it. It will give more appeal and more angles to shoot.
Hope this help.
Dear Richa
The sites have suggested by you helped me alot.I have made few changes in my blog.Hope you will be liked it .Any way Thanks alot for your suggestions.
Yummy Blog!
I am too nascent in this blogging world to comment on you blog, I'll leave that to the pundits. But, I do have few things to say.
If you are married your husband is the luckiest! But your kids will have a hard time coping up with their mess food!
I am a big foodie, don't like the cooking and all but love eating a lot. I am forwarding this link to my mom.
Its true that good food not only tastes good but looks good too! Your pictures shows the same.
BTW can I drop in sometime for the delicacies?
You have the power!
Dear Addy
Hope you dont mind calling you Addy.Thanks alot for your heart touching words.