Please Review my humour blog.Need to know whether I'm writing the right way...
I am relatively new to blogosphere and I want to know whether my blog is going at the right direction. For a blogger comments are gold, so feel free to comment if you do come across my site.
Reason: TItle change and obviously narcissism
I may not be the best person to comment on the content as I spent little time on your blog. The articles are long and chapters numbering make it appear even longer... Remember the reader is looking for instant gratification, you can hold his attention in the first para you have him.
Keep blogging
Thanks for the review, I know my posts have been long, will try to cut down the words.
I would agree to what Lalit has mentioned above. Didn't read the blog in detail, but felt it is too long to capture the attention of casual visitors.
Thanks for teh comment. I agree the first post at present is really too long, it is a short story kind of a thing. I am relatively new here, will keep the posts shorter. Initially I thought long posts would keep the reader interested. Really sorry about the really long blogpost.
For people who feel my first post is long, (it is I know, just skip it and read the others, I suggest.
Hi, I guess I got carried away by the long post problem too. But that's minor, you have a really fundoo movie review blog also. WHY haven't you added that to your profile? And do write more often there also. I am so hooked to it now :-)
Thanks for the support guys, will keep blogging.
Anymore reviews?
HI Analyst..
I agree with some1 whomentioned above that you shouldn't be apologising for your stye of work. What I read at your blog were definitely lengthy pieces but they weren't long drawn rantings for sure! You have picked up a subject and dutifully analysed every angle of it. It takes a lot of patience and thinking capacities to do that, I can imagine. Your blog will stand out for the content in the long run!
Now, thats my opinion. And definitely not an hyperbole! :)
However to keep some other readers who enjoy tidbits, you could ofcourse try your hand at quick jottings too...
Keep blogging...
Thanks really love it if someone from the same genre gives an opinion. Will keep blogging :)
Thanks for the review, yes will change the template soon:)
Hey Buddy, dont worry about the length, I certainly like your style and my brief running through din't give me the impression that you are a drag. There sure are people in this world who are not-so-lazy and can read long posts and there are people lazy-enough to skip things like classes and focus on interesting stuff like blogs. So keep blogging aur apna style mat bigaad.
Thanks for the visit my blog more often
Thanks, I'm getting that comment on my language a lot these days. Will try doing something about it.
@ Prateek I'm getting comments on both sides ie maintain your style and to 'dumb down' my language. At present I'm sticking with the former...Thanks for taking the time...
Any more reviewers out there??
I did not read any of the reviews above, so it is possible that I might just be saying what the others already said.
1. your template seriously need a change (if not a change, at least a face lift). As a quick fix, Increase the width, increase font size by one point and increase line spacing to 1.6.
2. Write smaller posts. It is difficult for someone new to read huge posts. I usually limit to 500 words, anything more is difficult to maintain attention.
3. use some images, have paragraphs not more than 100 words. Again, helps in maintaining attention.
4. your style of writing has sarcasm written all over it, keep it up...
5. I know you might be busy with the rather heavy course load for Procrastination 101. But try to post more regularly!
Thanks for the review,I have changed the template and tried for reduction in post length...