Karthik Iyer would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.karthikiyer123.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 36

looking for a feedback for my blog

Karthik Iyer
Karthik Iyer
from Mumbai
15 years ago

its a blog about sports ...

would be more than interested if anyone could review my blogs and suggest me any changes if required

Replies 1 to 3 of 3

yo....i like the style....the personal stories/anecdotes...you've told them well.  it's good writing...maybe you have a novel in you down the line

Malathy Badri
Malathy Badri
from Bangalore
15 years ago

I wish your blog posts are shorter. Your sense of humor in the "About me"-I liked it.

"I weigh around 85 kgs and well thats my only achievement"Laughing

Wish to earn by blogging buddy?

Cheers boss.Smile

Karthik Iyer
from Mumbai
15 years ago

the answer to the question is yes ....

my question is how???

thanks for the review

Karthik Iyer
Karthik Iyer
from Mumbai
15 years ago

thanks bali...


that was truly inspiring.....


