Review Guys??
I would be happy if u can review
A personal blog with posts on miscellaneous topics..
you hit the nail right in the head when you said that there are posts on miscellaneous topics. This actually made your blog rather interesting - atleast to me :)
However, somehow I did not like the three colours used in your blog - i feel that they do not gell together. This is just my observation. Also. the matter in your side bar overlaps with the main body, giving a bad impression.
Rest is cool... keep posting
Hello Sudha,
I like the tag line of your blog, 'Thought process made public' Very apt for your blog! Your posts are good and interesting. Dilbert is awesome!!!
My only suggestion would be to use a different template. I agree with Hashir's observation regarding the color mismatch.
All the best! Keep blogging!
Hi Sudha:
Took a look at your blog and here are my comments. Please note that much of what I say is subjective, and therefore only adopt those that you agree with. Everything I say is with the hope that will be constructive.
I liked your content overall, and it matches what you said above. So much of my comments/suggestions are about the aesthetics and format.
1. Banner: To me, the banner is perhaps too striking. It is also quite large, and I am always a fan of more content in the opening page. The graphic is undeniably striking. The question you have to ask is: Does it go with your theme of relections on misc topics? Perhaps you could consider toning it down.
2. The second line (which is a great line) "Thought process made public" appears in too small a font, in my screen. Consider re-doing your banner.
3. Widgets: While I do love Dilbert, I am not sure if you want that to be the first thing on your right panel. (Also, most blogs seem to have the widget column to the left. Try this out and see if you like it.)
4. Move the About Me to the top. A lot of people look for it. Again, as a general principle, the more time you spend on your About Me link, the bigger your potential audience.
4a. I also read that having a photo helps. This is a personal choice, and I understand that not everyone wants their pictures to go along with the text.
5. Labels: First of all, move those up as well, and move the other widgets down. You seem to like one-word labels (Crazy, Wild, Personal, Frustration etc.). Since search engines use these labels, you could perhaps make them even more relavant to get better hits.
6. I didn't care much for Higgie. If you love it, move it down far below.
7. Make your archives more prominent. At least the current month's posts should be easy to find.
8. If you can be a little more descriptive about the topics that your blog typically deals with, I think you will have a much higher readership.
It might seem like I am overly critical, but I liked your blog and the above is meant to make it more appealing to your readers.
Good luck and keep up the good work,
But why you use a dark theme? It's okey because it's your decision but atleast think more on the colour combination. You really can use brighter colours!
And take a look at the sidebars padding.. text is overflowing into the main post area!
Thanks for reviewing the blog and criticizing the layouts objectively:
Since all of you suggested a different template, I ahve redone my blog completely.
The background is white now.. There are no bright graphics either..
As suggested I have prioritized the page elements :)
Please have a look and let me know if I need to imrove on anything else!
Again,thanks everyone!
Hello Sudha,
Wow! that is a very good change! It definitely looks good now. The white background makes it easy to read. Personally, I liked this layout compared to the previous one. Your content is good.
You could perhaps add more pictures to your posts in future.
This layout is impressive. Good job Sudha!
All the best!
I agree with Adarsh. the new layout is definately better... you have also sorted all the issues with the side bar text.
Nice job
The changes are all good. Feels like a classy blog. I hope you get an increasing number of readers and followers. (Since you have quite an impressive clustermap, you can move that up as well!)
Good luck,
yeah! looks classy!
Happy blogging there!:)