Please review my blog
Just an occassional blogger. Want to become more involved with it. Would love to get reviewss, ideas on the posts and about the blog design, layout, etc.
Overall, your blog looks like a beginner's abode. I see that most of posts are poems. You may like to continue writing poems in your blog - so that makes your blog a poetry blog. Further, additing to my observation, following are my findings:
Recent Posts: Try to include a recent post widget that will give the readers a freedom to jump to their favourite poem title.
Recent Comment: I came across this heading but, was unable to find any. May be you would like to revisit this widget.
The news widget does not add any relevence to the content of your blog. You may like to revisit it too.
I like the header that you have used in the blog.
Keep up the good work!
Best regards,
Neeraj Shinde
Thanks for the comments. Even though the blog is about 2 years old, Iam still unfamiliar with a lot of the features available. Will try to find out all the features. Thanks again.
Anyone else?
You realise one doesnt necessarily have to rhyme poetry.
loved it overall....
poetry is good....
awesome infact...
Thanks everyone.. for the encouraging words.
Iam totally clueless about how to make my blog more pleasing to the eye but I'll try and make some changes. Any help in that regard would be great!
Based on your advice, I will take off the news reel. It was just something that stuck when I was experimenting with my blog. Serves no purpose there anyways.
About the posts, I'll try and post more frequently.
Made some layout changes to my blog. Would love to have feedback on the same. Thanks.