Remya Raman would like you to review his/her blog.
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May I please have someone review my blog?

Remya Raman
Remya Raman
from Pune
15 years ago

I'm a novice blogger. I would love to hear feedback from all expert bloggers and budding bloggers out here. 



Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Zeenat Merchant Syal
Zeenat Merchant Syal
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Such a beautiful blog! And its pink my favorite color :)



Positive Provocations

Remya Raman
from Pune
15 years ago

Hey Zeenat,


Thank You so much for your sweet comments. I never thought someone wud ever review my blog.!!Thank u....and and roses are my favourite too...

from Delhi
15 years ago

Remya, I do not know about others but I could not read your blog. Its glary! No. I'm not even talking about personal choice - the page hurts the eye. It could be my monitor settings - but I can read other web pages easily enough. If you can tone it down, I can read the content and get back to you later.

O'course - no  offense meant and it is obviously your choice to make :) !

Remya Raman
from Pune
15 years ago

Hey DS,


Thanks for passing by my blog. I'm not sure which browser you are using.. I'm hearing it for the first time that someone can't read my blog!! It's okay ....Can u please let me know, whether you are seeing the fonts in small size? I'm not sure how u guys  see it in IE(Windows).I never use Windows!!!!


I'm waiting to hear what is the trouble you are finding up..whether its with the font or color...could you please let me know?


I can surely tone it down that it is readable for u...:)


Thanks for ur time:)

from Delhi
15 years ago

It is the font. I saw blue font on Pink in mozilla - which was hurting the eyes. Now I see off-white font on Pink. It is better now.

Now, I see a font in bold + Italics. However, not using italics for the whole post would be a good idea (Are you really using italics for the whole post or is it the font? ). On a second look, everything is in Italics in your blog! - The Header, Post titles, sidebar header, sidebar text - Everything


Remya Raman
from Pune
15 years ago



Thanks,, I just changed the post font color to white, so that I wanna see whether its gonna work out. Hmm..Well I love italics...and Times New Roman ..I would change italics and see how would it look.........!!Lemme see DS. 


Thanks for your thoughts and ideas...!Will be ever hearing anything good??

from Delhi
15 years ago

Now, its much much better! :)

Remya Raman
from Pune
15 years ago

hey DS,   


Thank you so much for spending your time on reviewing my blog. I'm so glad to hear that "its much better"!! Dunno what more I need to add to make it better.Frown

I wouldn't mind hearing more..if something else has to be changed!!