Feedback Please -
Do take out time to browse through my space online @
Please drop in your feedback and suggestions to my blog look even better.
Happy Blogging!
Replies 1 to 8 of 8
Good blog priya... I like your title "Bindaas Baatein...".Good that you have 2 side bars and great content.keep rocking..
1) Cool template.
2) Great writing style.
3) I would say it is ready for monetizing.
thanks for the feedback guys. feels encouraged.
@laxman - thanx for how you felt about the title
@ankit - thanx
@amitabh - thanx for the crisp feedback... monetizing sounds interesting :P never really thought about it
nice blog with cool templet. thanks indiblogger to made me known about ur blog.
himanshu, prabhjot, asit and khushi... thanks a ton for all your comments. keeps me going. i'll try n check ur blogs as soon as possible.
brijesh... thanks for your opinion as well. i get the logic - i'm trying to get more regular with my blogging.
Good one, an electic mix of subjects. Like the previous poster, frequency is the key to keep in touch with ur readers coz people have selective memory and u must refresh them through regular posts.
@Sharon and Rekha
Thanks for the feedback. I agree about being more frequent with the blog posts... will get down to that soon.