Someone care to reveiw my movie review blog?
ive been reviewing movies since a while, and now i need to ask someone to review me :D
it feels odd being a critic when oneself has to be criticised :D
Reason: Major updates on blog
Hey... I posted a review on the blog... realized I should have done it here. Ctrl c + Ctrl v:
Hey. The reason I came was to tell you about the great job YOU DID on reviewing other blogs. I did a couple of reviews and found your review comments above mine. Really cool to see you criticize. Good job! PS: I thought the grammar guy/girl would retaliate... but I was immature to think that way. All healthy.Now that I'm looking at your blog - I like the first kaleidoscopic color thing in the top. Seems you got a lot of movies done. Are you doing them on torrent? Why not support you blog with the authentic (non porn) torrent links? Will that be too much of a risk?Suggestion 2 (crazy piece) - In each review section, you can add something like 'Adjectives'... these will be like your thoughts on the movie in a nutshell. But, come to think of it, if your adjectives are poor for the movie... someone might not read the whole thing. I am not sure. Just thinking aloud.I am not qualified to comment on the content because I am not much into movies. I think you need to change the top title text - 'A blog where you can...' It's not really catchy. Make it something that makes me go ahead and read. Something that tells me what's in store for me.Something like - 'Movie buff? Need to know before you watch? Need ratings? Welcome!' etc.The blog looks neat. No clutters. One thing that I would have done was to put the MOVIE ARCHIEVE on top on the right side. I dont know why. PS: Archive has been wrongly spelled.Good job! is what I will tell you. :)
the reason why i dont put up the torrent links cause all are not from torrent. Many are directly watched in theatres and some are rented dvd's.
the adjectives idea is good, but i would have to edit all my previous blogs if i want to incorporate it.
Yes even i found my blog intro quite lame, im still trying to think of something very catchy.
feel free to give your feedback anytime !
did some changes on your suggestion. go check it out !
did a few more changes after your second comment.
Nice blog too. But you must add nice gadget.
theme is quite okey, somthing interesting.
Best Wihses
wat gadget would you reccommend?
Very nice blog Aditya. WHOEVER reads this, must visit this blog for detailed movie reviews. Read the blog and you'll know which movies to go for and which ones to discard.
Hi Aditya
I am buff of foreign films and watch quiet a few every week. However, I do not have the technical expertise to either write a review or to comment on another person's ability to reveiew a movie. But I would like to hazard a try....
1> Some of the movies that you have selected for review are very interesting and will never be on the radar of an ordinary person like me unless we found it on your blog or on an IMDb listing.
2> One set of reviews that I think is missing (more because of my interest than anything else) is coverage of international films that have been nominated for awards or have recd awards (e.g. Oscar for best foreign language film - I makeit a point to get a hold of every movie that makes into that category because these films are all there on merrit)
4> I find the layout a little jarring and the size of images dramatic (maybe that is intentional).
5> Maybe for a few specific films you should try a standardized template
6> A gadget that allows visitors to throw in their reviews might help as well.
thanks a lot anand for reviewing the site
1. the set of movies that i review are movies that i borrow from movie rental palours, download online or watch in the theatres. I dont purposefully limit myself by not watching any movie, i am open to all sorts of movies. If i can get hold of the international films nominated for foreign languages i would love to watch it. The only genre that i wont post for review would be short films.
2. can you please describe in detail what is jarring in the layout and theme? The image size is big on purpose cause when i tried a smaller size, it wasnt making that much of an impact.
3. i didnt understand what were you trying to say in point 5
4. i dont know of any gadget that would allow others to post their own reviews. However i am open to the idea of allowing guest authors if anyone can email me or leave a comment on my blog. However, since the name is Aditya's Movie Review Blog, other peoples reviews dont actually fit in.
Hi Aditya -
Your Point one - Fair!
Your Point 2 - Some of the visuals are large (you have already addressed this). The text is spread a longway - this makes it difficult for me to read fast. It could be made a bit more compact. But then again, design is subjective - and I feel you should stick with what makes you feel comfortable
Your Point 3 - Maybe experiment with a standard template for a few films (Name, Director producer etc etc AND 2 things that you like about the film and three things that you didnt and what could have been done better with the benefit of hindsight)
Your Point 4 - Around other being allowed to post - okie dokie! Around template - Even a small gadget that will allow viwers to rate a movie.
Hey yeah... you can try putting a poll thing at the end of each review...something that has option 1- 5. These are for the ratings given by your readers TO THE MOVIE and not your post.
thanks k****ij and anand
changing the font would mean changing the entire theme, and changing the font in order to adapt to one persons reading style wont be fair :) Nobody so far has complained on the text layout so i dont think that gives me enough reason to alter it
writing the pros and cons on every movie in short sounds good. I guess ill start that very soon.
@k****ij and anand
i want to have a movie rating by users too. There is a rating meter available by blogger, however that widget is not working with the theme that i have and that widget has its own set of limitations. I tried having a manual meter (Read user voting system post) but that failed cause i couldnt create enough awarness about it and i realised i would have to go through all my posts regularily and count the votes. If you guys come across a gadget which i can incorporate for every post i would really love it !
thanks a lot everyone for taking out your time and going through my blog. I like reviewing other peoples blog and im happy my efforts are paying off :)
Hello Aditya you have a good blog in fact you have a 71 rank at Indiblogger maybe you can review my blog instead and give an opinion about it.
I like the reviews you have given. I agree with your rating. Only thing why I do not like to read movie reviews before going to watch a movie is because most of the story line is revealed and the surprise element is gone.
Does that mean I am fairly placed with a ranking of 30 on Indiblogger!!!... wow!
no sam, unfortunately that means youve got a very bad rating. higher towards 100 and better your blog is.
thanks a lot namita for your appreciation. Heres my review:
If you really want to improve your indiblogger ranking, you need to analyse the stats given by indiblogger. Heres what i think should change
1) your font size is little small. It becomes difficult to read. Please increase the font size.
2) You have too many posts on one page. Your images also seem to be very heavy and they take a long time to load. Decrease the number of posts and see if things improve.
3) if you really want your blog to develop as a travel blog, it would be better if you could divide your posts into categories like 'things to see' ' how to reach there' ' costs and money one might spend' etc. They all add to the post
The great thing about your blog is the number and range of movies covered. You seem to be truly passionate about cinema. Also I liked the fact that the reviews were brief and to the point, unlike the newspapers where the critic is usually more interested in showing off his/her knowledge and verbosity.
I especially liked your reason for the creation of the blog. So from now on I donot have to worry about wasting my money on some worthless movie; instead I'll request you to review it for me first.
Thanks a lot for your appreciation for my blog. im honoured
What thank you Mr Aditya? Who suggested that part about saving money... in the header?
oh yes of course. Thank Mr. K****ij, the poor chap whose name is more like Voldemort from Harry Potter 'He who cannot be named' :D :D
the header was his sudden brilliant idea
ok...enuf of making fun...
I got another suggestion for you - how about introducing a space where visitors can request you to review movies...they can leave the names of the movies.. See, I know - it may become difficult for you to address everyone's needs...but it's worth trying.. isnt it?
As it is you are seeing so many movies... I will suggest you to then hold the reviews of upcoming movies...untill someone asks for reviews for it...
some system...which makes users/readers interact with u... what say?
Hey... there are some issues in the header of your blog... I thought I was going overboard with my reviews so didnt want to bother you more... but time has passed and I can again trouble you:
One always faces the dillemma whether the movie your about to watch would be worthy of the time and money your going to spend; hence this blog. I get to waste that time and money on your behalf to bring you the best reviews of movies forgotten and unknown. Read on and enjoy :)
- One faces the dilemma whether your... you are changing the persons in the same sentence... either it will be one, they etc or you...they cant come together in the sentence
- you are is written as you're... you have written it as your (in the first and second line)
- Once faces some dilemma...and hence this not connecting... although people will understand your intentions...but you have to establish a better connection between people's dilemma and your blog.
- You also says movies forgotten and unknown...that's not true...this is because you have been reviewing brand new movies also.
K****ij, i already have the widget you asked me to put up. Its been there since ages, maybe you havent been on the blog since a long time. If your not being able to see it then its a different thing.
About the header, ill tyr making a more sound header. It will take me some time since im a little busy with studies these days and im not getting enough time to watch movies and post reviews. Thanks for the tip though. i really appreciate it.
PS you must try and write a post about the comment i left on your blog. :D :D :D
by keeping jargons away you have tried to keep it simple...
and the reviews are too plain... and there is no order as far as the selection of movies are concerned. maybe you can stick to new releases or classics... or something which is making a lot of buzz... the coverage as well... the depth and width :)
work a lot and keep improving... shall try to catch you on every post:)
thanks for the review. Off late ive tried to stick to Oscar nominees as far as possible, but at times when i dont get the movie i have to review whatever comes my way.
About the language, after reviewing so many movies i somehow realised that the movie itself inspires you to write well. If the movie is uninspiring the review would be the same. Have a look at the popular and top rated movies and tell me if you still feel the same.
thansk again