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pranita deshpande
pranita deshpande
from latur
6 years ago

Can Status Give Everything?

Nowadays there is a big trend everywhere that is status.

What is status?

In this world everyone wants their own home .To get own home everyone is struggling with their life. They are taking loan & doing lot of extra work etc.




You know that if any close relative, friend wants to come in  home then  he has to take permission of his family members, if he will get chance then he would try to come in his home.

Some people are giving more importance to the things & status instead of their family members.

There is one story about family status.

There was one person who had bought a new car without giving any information to his family. Everyone was surprising by looking to his car. Everyone saw a new car, took photos & having some sweets with them & sat inside their hall. Discussing about car’s price & everything etc. Everyone is telling ”CONGRATULATION” & this word is giving lot of happiness to that owner of the car.He is enjoying this word with full of joy.

In that time his small son went to near car & wrote something with chalk piece on his car. It can’t be seen easily to anyone. After some time all relatives & friends went on & his father came near to his car he saw some cracks on his car ,he also didn’t identified his son’s handwriting he saw only cracks.Then he suddenly got an angry took an iron rod saw his son & beat on his finger continuously till his finger get broken & started to falling blood drop by drop. His mother was starting to cry but no one has power to stop his beating, with this beating his son became unconscious & he has to admit immediately.

Second day owner get cool he has lot of feeling of id-i-o-Cy. He get up & watched his car neatly &saw there his son has written lines ‘’My papa is very good ,I love my papa very much.’’he read that lines & started to cry loudly ‘’, saying what I have done? & he took one big stick broken his car’s glass & push the car a side. Saying

that ‘’I don’t want this car’’    What is this? Is it ego? Is it status? Is status is more important than family or values? Is status gives you lot of happiness continuously? Is it more important than any man?

Nowadays this story is happening in everyone’s home.Due to status we are creating lot of anger, stress, irritations pressure, anxiety, misunderstanding etc…

& it becomes harmful to our life.

Again buying a new car or anything is not a 

a worst thing but creating lot of ego for our position, making disrespect of our family members, losing love, losing care of elders etc is harmful to everyone.

In so many families there are lot of problems regarding discipline & status. Why did this thing you have kept here? I have told so many times don’t keep this things here ,… This thing creates lot of problem in the family &Instead of getting happiness from that thing we are suffer lot off.

So many houses are built like palace & there are living only two people how could get energy to them? Everywhere lot of nice things are there. Can things talk to them? Can things ask them how are you?Can things understand their feelings, pain etc.

Inverse of these there is a small& simple home but family members are living jointly, sometimes may be there quarrel but still love is flowing in that family they are asking everyone about their problems,feeling,pain etc Is this home  gives you relief? Can you define this home is a sweet home?

Really I am getting hurt by watching so many families which are giving importance to things instead of their family members, there are lot of questions to keep status strong. As we have made our life difficult for this status.

I think keep status of your self-respect, your values, your principles etc so that you will become light to face any situation or any problems.

This post is written by watching my real experiences ,I don’t want to give anyone unhappiness  or disrespect of anyone purposely  regarding some points.







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pranita deshpande
pranita deshpande
from latur
6 years ago

   Make sure that are you aware about your status?