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Looking for some feedback before Blog turns ONE on self hosting

from Hyderabad
7 years ago

I write to express. I feel like myself when I’m writing.I write to remember. Writing lets me grasp life in ways that would otherwise escape me.I write because I can’t imagine not doing so. Because in writing, I become a little bit more of myself.

I believe in life is what you make it. I believe in smart, soulful conversations. Lifting up not tearing down. The joy of storytelling.

Hence I blog.


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sridhar c
sridhar c
from coimbatore
6 years ago

Hey nice blog. And Congrats, your blog has been listed in my blog under, "Listed Life Coach Blogs" section. You get a Badge. I've just started collecting those blogs I visit that I find interesting. Keep up the good work and keep blogging - Sridhar Chandrasekaran, Life Coach.