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Guidance/Feedback Required on my blog

from Bangalore
7 years ago

I started writing in 2010 but kept the blog hidden- A secret place where I could downpour! However, with my recent fame in Zomato reviews, I am getting calls from restaurants to review their place. I came to know that associating a blog write up would give an extra edge to my profile. Hence I started taking the blog seriously. However, being a mum of a 2.5 year old and an IT Professional (Network Consultant) I get little time to research on how to do SEO/Ranking and promotions. Hence I request guidance for the same.

My Blog has 4 sections:

  • Recipe (My Culinary experiments)
  • Restaurant Reviews (For the ones I am asked for a review)
  • Poems (Various Topics faced from day to day life)
  • Travel (Just started writing about my travel diaries)

Let me know if you require any details.