Yogesh Rathod would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.technokida.com/ ]

Please review my Programming and SEO Related blog

Yogesh Rathod
Yogesh Rathod
from Ahmedabad
8 years ago

TechnoKida.com is Technology and Social Media Blog. We write blog about Wordpress, PHP, Howto, PPC, SEO, and SMO.

please take a look and tell me how my blog is. i need your suggestions.

Thank you




Replies 1 to 1 of 1

Hi Yogesh, I went through your blog TechnoKida. First of all, the design is very simple & I liked it so much. The site loads fast. I really like that Random article option- very useful to people who just want to discover more.

Please use bigger fonts on your site, its not comfortable to read on high resolution screens. The breaking news section is good when people coming from other sites can easily get your latest posts from there.

There is some problems on your site. When we select any other category(eg SEO), the home button is displayed as black, & i thought it just disappeared.

You should not display random posts in footer when you already have random post button on the menubar.

I really like the design of Social icons, flat & minimal.

I would like to guest post on your site if get a good content. Please tell me how to.

Also review my blog www.techbuzzin.com & tell me your suggestions on my review request thread here: https://www.indiblogger.in/forum/review.php?id=22179

Cheers & Congrats!

Yogesh Rathod
from Ahmedabad
8 years ago

Hi Arjun, First of all thanks for taking time and review my website and your valuable suggestions. I will surely going to improve my blog as per your suggestion.