Rameshwar Nath Tiwari would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://rntiwari1.blogspot.com ] IndiRank: 29

reviews and feedback

Rameshwar Nath Tiwari
Rameshwar Nath Tiwari
from Pune
8 years ago

Please submit your reviews and feedback & oblige.

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Jaipur
8 years ago

Dear mr Tiwari,

Your blog is brilliant. We are not worthy of reviewing it (being honest not saracastic). It is focused, with in depth content and clearly written. Best of all, it is in Hindi which is the fastest growing blog segment anywhere! My suggestion to you is to change the name from your own to something like punedarshan or something memorable and searchable. Second, blogging only in Hindi will take this blog ahead of many others that are hinglish blogs.

hope this helps,
