jayasri ravi would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.myvegfare.com ] IndiRank: 46

looking for feedback on my new blog

jayasri ravi
jayasri ravi
from Bristol
8 years ago

I was posting in http://samayalarai-cookingisdivine.blogspot.com and now I have moved to wordpress and bought my own domain http://www.myvegfare.com.  would like to know how is it doing?

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Jensy George
Jensy George
from Chennai
8 years ago

Wow! My eyes were glued to the photographs. They are really awesome, Jayasri.

The clarity!

The angle!

Too good. Are you sure you ik with food blogging? You can open up a photography page as well. 

And I'd to come back to read the posts once again. Your writing style is good. Design layout us fine. May be cause the photographs add too much color. 

Overall thumbs up!

Jensy George
Jensy George
from Chennai
8 years ago

Was too enthusiastic to post my reply. Chuck the spelling errors.