Gayatri Shenoy would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Looking forward to your feedback on my blog

Gayatri Shenoy
Gayatri Shenoy
from Mumbai
15 years ago

I'm a Writer & Artist by heart ~ Software Programmer by accident ~ Assertive, Outspoken & Genuine by choice ~ I'd like to describe myself as an Alice in Wonderland, Jane Austen, Powerpuff Girl all rolled into One Laughing

Looking forward to meet fellow bloggers here and make new friends.

Awaiting your feedback on my blog.



Replies 1 to 4 of 4
from Chennai
15 years ago


You have been blogging for five years...very good in terms of consistency..the contents are few and good... But what I felt is the background colour of your template is quite bright and felt a little bit difficult to read and even some might feel uninviting..sry for those words...Just a suggestion...  

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

5 years of blogging is no small feat! Your content is personal and compelling - 5 stars for a personal blog.

Template - bit too "DJANG!" for my taste. I don't mind the color pink, but the pink background on your blog can certainly distract from the content...

"Software programmer by accident" - I like that. Smile

Gayatri Shenoy
Gayatri Shenoy
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Shankar, Murli, Renie, Parv

Thank you so much for your feedback Smile

I love bright colors and Pink being my signature color Kiss hehehehe Hence the template.

But yes I can understand, it can be difficult to read to others.

So I'm going to adjust the template a bit to enhance the readability.

I'm goin to take some time today and go thru your blogs as well.

Its a gr8 learning process Smile

Looking forward to more review comments & getting to know ur blogs as well.



Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
15 years ago

I would agree to most of the comments by fellow bloggers. The PINK is a little jarring to my (40+) eyes....

I thought the background would scroll up, but the cityscape and the LARGE 9.11.01 simply refused to go away! Also, try a different layout of the Shelfari bookshelf. The one you have chosen shows very few books. There are other layouts where you can show 2 or 3 books in each row.

I loved the post about your ajji. i grew up knowing and seeing only two of my grandparents, so can relate to it totally. Your choice of topics and ease of writing can be the benchmark for a lot of personal bloggers.

Consistently blooging for 5 years is quite an achievement! I have much to learn from you!

Will keep visiting your blog, Pink background notwithstanding! The header picture of the close-up shot of eyes is nice. And last but not the least, you have a nice url - caughtinthemist - really nice!

Keep writing,

Pushkaraj Apte