Mahathi Anand would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 40

Looking for a feedback on my blog in general as well as my writing skills

Mahathi Anand
Mahathi Anand
from Chennai
9 years ago

My blog doesnt stick on a single topic, as I am an amateur writer and want to explore different areas through my writing. Hence, for clarity, I have divided my articles into different labels- poems, experiences, issues, facts and stories. I initially started factual wiriting, but with time I learnt to write my own experiences ans stories. I dont usually write factual articles right now, unless I am having the 'writer's block' I'm currently working on 'episodal fiction' which would be posted soon.The blog is titled 'Une Ecrivaine' meaning 'A writer' in French. It perfectly describes my blog, which I have created to work on my writing skills.I would be vert grateful if you could review my blog and give valuable suggestions to improve it further.I am extremely thankful to be a part of this wonderful platform of bloggers and hope to learn much from it.


Thank You 

Replies 1 to 4 of 4
from Delhi
9 years ago

HI Mahathi, i have read a few of your posts and quickly ran through the others. I was amazed at the number of articles you have written in such a short span, which means you can put down your thoughts with a lot of ease. I felt, the quality of your writing (analogies, voacubluary, sentence construction) was also very good for a beginner. Some articles bring out your creative side, ability to create things out of thin air,  and depth of your thoughts. Keep writing and you can definitely improve further on all these qualities. Talking abot some things to improve, from my perspective as a reader,  I see a lot of your articles are a quite simplistic analyses or narration of day to day expereiences. If they have to be more engaging, the analysis has to be more in-depth or the articles have to packed with a strong message or provoking questions to the readers. Otherwsie they will just look like ramblings. In gist make it more thought-provoking, more insghtful and engaging with your creative ability.

PS: would be please if you can review my post:


Mahathi Anand
Mahathi Anand
from Chennai
9 years ago

Wow. That's great writing. I may not be good enough to review articles though. But I did love your style of writing for sure. But honestly, I didn't get the true idea of your post... Well, was it a positive experience or not? Would you recommend others taking it? 

Somehow I'm not very comfortable with the latter, if that's what you tried to mention...

Mahathi Anand
Mahathi Anand
from Chennai
9 years ago

Thanks for your review, it meant a lot to me :)

I'll make sure I improve on the things you have mentioned...

from Delhi
9 years ago

thanks for reading!. I definetely didnt receomend people to take it. I just said, i was not sure what kind of effect it had on us. Even if the feeling was good after having it, i wouldnt encourage consuming any suchs things - its not sustainable. I was only building up context for what i wanted to say in the last paragraph - which actually were not my original thoughts, but things from preachings of another guruji just like your 'guruj' : ) . May be too philosphical for you, you know its just the effect of getting involved too deep in spiritual stuff : ) Glad you like my style of writing.