Sangam Ramamoorthy would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 54

Would like to receive valuable suggestions for my blog posts

My site is a general information site on many topics useful to novice and professional visitors. My site is enjoying Google page Rank 4. My website is mobile friendly and accessible by almost all desktops and tablets. My website is developed with responsive theme and on WordPress a powerful content management system. It is menu driven and menu items are self explanatory. I have covered topics like health, blogging tips, ever green content, reviews, inspirational stories, affiliate marketing, Forex trading and many more to come. The topics are sub categories and easily navigated. I will be constantly updating the developing useful content through m posts supporting my webpages. All my personal experiences and trouble shoots while developing the website is transformed into useful post articles to help developers to solve similar issues. I add 15 new posts every months to my website to make it value added service. I have linked my website with social media like face book, twitter and Google+. I am sure my website will be a useful advertising platform to many advertisers. I boost my website through generic search. If needed I do not mind promoting my website through paid search, pay per click, email marketing as the need be.I have sub domains for structured settlements and shopping. Soon I will be focusing on travel.