Kunal Malhotra would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.the-photography-blogger.com/ ] IndiRank: 66

Looking for feedback on my Photography Blog

Kunal Malhotra
Kunal Malhotra
from Noida
9 years ago

At The Photography Blogger, the objective is to spread knowledge and share the latest trends and news in the world of photography.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Very creative blog with great pictorials. Kudos.
from Bangalore
9 years ago

Hello Kunal, 

Few things I noticed: 

1) Good format. Everything is clear and easy to understand/ navigate

2) Interesting content. The news you have collated is interesting to a wider crowd (not just photography enthusiasts).

3) I'm big on having great pictures to assisst your storytelling. Your blog scores well in that point as well. 

4) Not a big fan of too many social media sharing icons. You have both a side widget AND a end-of-post widget. 

5) Couple of empty spaces on the side bar that you might want to get rid off.

6) Add an "about me" page? Doesn't have to be personal. Talk about the cameras you use/ favor, your dream camera, your favorite themese/ techiques (bokeh/ light painting, the likes)

Hopefully, I've been helpful,Keep blogging! :)