Rajnish Kumar would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://rajnishonline.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 40

Please review my blog

Rajnish Kumar
Rajnish Kumar
from Noida
9 years ago

I am writing my blog posts since a long time. And never told anybody to reveiw it. this is the first time, I am doing so.

Whenever I find anything interesting, I try to write. Though I am not consistent but now I wish to do it regularly. A good, honest and critical review will do good for my blogging as from now onwards, I am seriously thinking about creating a neat blog website rather than continnuing on blogger platform.

Thanks and regards,

Rajnish Kumar


Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Delhi
9 years ago

Hey so the post on Jobs is nice. the blog design is simple and so far you seem to have covered a wide variety of topics. Great job :)

(As I'm a bit of a grammar freak I should point out that there were some grammatical errors but nothing major )

Keep blogging