I am looking for some constructive reviews on my new blog
Hello, friends. I am working on my new food and travel blog. As I am writing this kind of work for first time, so I need your kind and straight direction. Please help me out and review. Thank you
The content is good, but the theme makes it difficult to see articles. At least the main website should have an excerpt and a featured image per article displayed, but there's only one. Don't have any article under 'uncategorized'. Some paragraphs in some articles need to have an empty line between them.
I've noticed in your 'unplanned to never planned' where you mentioned the source of the picture. That's good, but try using your own pictures. I am sure most camera phones produce decent picture in broad daylight.
Thank you dear. As I am just working on the blog, its quite fresh and I am not sound at using themes and other things. Well, now as you have identified the issues, it will help me in making further improvements. Please, if you can tell me how can I improve the blog on the basis of your concern. You can mail me the solution at gautam.raj@writeme.com if you have time. I hope to have your kind attention time to time. Thanks a lot for your time and attention.
You should go for this, then: https://www.indiblogger.in/bloggermeet.php?id=291
One of the speakers is a food blogger.
Okay thank you dear