Hey! What you think about my Blog ? feel free, I can digest bad words :-)
We write news on Startups, Technology, profile startups, organize and cover events as well.
It's totally an opinion blog.
Excellent effort. I saw that video interview too. Best part about the site is that the genuine effort can be seen. Yet, the front page is simple and nicely laid out. I would have suggested a sticky menu but then I noticed you have a drop down menu on the side.
There's nothing really significant for me to say, except maybe have a logo that reflects your website as a brand, but also something you can use it as a watermark for images and logo. In fact, you're already using it- the website's .ico image.
When it becomes a feasible option, maybe you can get a good camera and a shotgun mic type setup for taking event photos and certain videos. Other than that, minor things that I am sure you'll figure it out: Having "Submit your startup" on the top bar (and removing "home" since you have in the main bar anyways). Having a "Go to top" button is also useful. Also, use Grammarly for chrome. It's much better than the default spellcheck. It also helps to highlight grammar errors and other stuff too.
Awesome. Huge thanks for your reply.
and Yes! we are designing a logo which will be up soon. About that 'Home' option, excellent tip I didn't noticed that before. surely look into it.
We are short of money (since we're college students), so that's why we're using 'not-so-good' cameras. But we're trying hard to maintain quality and clear message through videos.
'Submit your startup' button idea is good as well and I'm using Grammarly from a long time, greatly thanks for that too.
Just curious? did you find any spelling errors in the posts or on the website? please let me know
The sorcerer - thanks for your review I 'heart-ly' appreciate that.
I've started from a camera that my family uses, but then the autofocus broke and it refused to work, which later made me purchase basic 4k worth camera after few months (don't ask me how I managed those few months, I used to borrow cameras from few friends on a weekly basis). The money that I earned eventually was used to buy a DSLR was from the website's AdSense earning. Shifting to self-hosted and paying for the bills was also from the site. Now, I am using VPS, which pays for its own hosting expenses. I wish I had a lot more money to get stuff to bring more quality content, but hey- that's how it is. It's frustrating, I know. I also need lights and a good mic for making videos. It never ends! :(. If I manage to save up the money, something else comes in the middle. Maybe if your camera has a Hotshoe mount, you could try getting a camera flash or use those ghetto ways. At least it may help to reduce noise on the images to some extent.
Aaah nice, you're using grammarly. Well, there was a minor typo somewhere, but other than one or two that I saw earlier, I thought it was usually "women" and not "womens". I might be wrong, but grammarly also concurs so.... http://tengible.com/2015/02/28/when-a-group-of-womens-decides-to-save-nature-a-short-story-of-priyanka-khandelwal-and-her-team/
There's this FB group called 'Media Movements'. They have a lot of PRs and all looking out for bloggers/journos for coverage. I see a lot of PRs pitching for startups (and food). You should be able to get more connections for content from there. Just introduce yourself and say what you cover specifically. Most likely PRs will try to be in touch with you via a reply.
Just beware of PRs offering 'ready-made' content. But then judging by the content you have, I am sure you'll easily handle such 'requests'.
This is also another idea that you could consider in the future. I remember a guy (he runs a site similar to what you do) having a video conference with Mahesh Murthy. He uses this cardboard type background with the site's logo and name on it. I know, it's probably cheesy. But it helps to brand your videos. Probably a collapsible one would be a good idea. Besides, such boards are usually white background so it helps in some way to bounce back the light and show your side of the video conference with a clear recording, depending on the light setup.
Excellent idea man. As you describe your story in the earlier comments. Same is happening with us. Camera, Sound and all that stuff! we are trying hard. There is shortest of money I say. Anyway thanks for sharing such info. Definitely looking forward to use such tricks.
Thanks The Sorcerer
I 'just' started to make videos. It's a bit challenging, but some of the resources are coming together. I got my hands on a very old Pentax Asahi 50mm F1.8 lens (No, not the one with the thorium coating) from the '70s or older with clicked aperture controls. It's brilliant because I can control how much lights need to go in from the lens just like cine lenses. I got a large central LED lights for the hall so I can focus the light. It's yellow LED but at least it's bright. Alas, the cheapo tripod is cracking. The 'neck' is plastic and the thing that holds it together starting to makes holes on it. I researched a fair bit on tripods. Pretty expensive stuff. I wish the second-hand market for such stuff was as easy as the ones in the U.S.