Tanushree Chakraborty would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://tanushreechakraborty.blogspot.com ] IndiRank: 25

hello...please review my blog

Tanushree Chakraborty
Tanushree Chakraborty
from Delhi
15 years ago

Review my blog....ur feedback means a lot...

comments, suggestions will be humbly accepted..

Cheers !!


Edited 14 years ago
Reason: because i want my blog to be reviewed
Replies 1 to 9 of 9
Rofl Indian
Rofl Indian
from Jaipur
15 years ago

Nice to know you and your blog. The posts are very expressive and thought provoking. The layout is nice too. My suggestions would be:

1. Try to maintain a uniform font.

2. The RSS reader appears a little out of place. You may keep it a little below.

Do visit my blog too. This post may interest you. Smile

You may write a comment or two here as well. I'll appreciate it.

Rofl Indian

Tanushree Chakraborty
Tanushree Chakraborty
from Delhi
15 years ago

Thank u so much dear Rolf Indian.

I ll surely work out on the suggestions tht u hav given.

Keep on visiting mu blog..will update it soon...

Sonya Gee
Sonya Gee
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Hey Tanushree,

I visited your blog and reviewed your posts.

 nice layout and good content. My suggestions :

1. have your profile on the homepage to let people know about you and a short note on what your blog is all about.

2. when you copy/paste from other referring sites, please try to reword the content with your own perspective and maintain similar fonts.

3. in case of longer posts, try using pointers to summarise the posts.


happy blogging and hope to see yuou around more.


Shilpa Garg
Shilpa Garg
from Jaipur
15 years ago

Some impressions:

1. Nice template

2. Fonts are different in each post...by design?

3. Font colour should be a bit dark

4. Good expression

Good Beginning! Keep Blogging!!


Tanushree Chakraborty
Tanushree Chakraborty
from Delhi
15 years ago

@Sonya..thank you so much for reviewing my blog dear...b/w i din understand wot u meant by having profile on home page...

Tanushree Chakraborty
Tanushree Chakraborty
from Delhi
15 years ago

@Shilpa...thank you so much dear...

u got it ryt...fonts r diff cos i wanted to make em look a bit diff...nn ill' definitely make em darker from the nxt tym...

Rajnish Kumar
Rajnish Kumar
from Bangalore
15 years ago

A blog is an extension of your personality and it is written more for yourself than for others.I feel you need to check it out on these two basic criterion.

Tanushree Chakraborty
from Delhi
15 years ago

hello dear Rajnish...m glad that you have visited my blog....

as I am a new blogger so I am just writing randomly , hopefully I will add on to what you have said. Teke care...ciao..

Sonya Gee
Sonya Gee
from New Delhi
15 years ago

@Tanushree :I meant about me section, which I see now is there on the blog.

Also, use categories and tags to specify the genre/type of post to attract readers of specific interest to the blog.

Naveen Goyal
Naveen Goyal
from Cincinnati
14 years ago

 If u really luv talkn about  LOVE, LIFE, FRIENDS and RELATIONSHIPS.....U will definitly LUV the BLOG!!


will really appreciate ur comments...;-)

Cheers to Life!!!