The Kindred World would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my blog

The Kindred World
The Kindred World
from Worldwide
9 years ago

My blog is mainy based on fashion and I am rather new to the blogging community but hope to blend in soon.

Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Jatin Adlakha
Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
9 years ago

Hello there!

I just visited your blog, and yours look like a professional one already. The theme, the font, the pictures, the's very good.

Now all you do is..

-Make an FB page, I don't see it already

-Read more of similar fashion blogs, and get some more nice pointers ;)

-Buy your domain and get going.

All the very best :)

-Do drop by mine, yea? :)

The Kindred World
The Kindred World
from Worldwide
9 years ago

Ohh my God! Thank you so very much! I did not see this coming. Thanks a ton for reviewing my blog and such great motivational review and advice! Just this day of last month I had started blogging and its an trememdous pleasure to here these words from a fellow blogger in just a month. I will abide by your advice and post another reply with a review of your blog. Also I actually have a facebook page but I have not got got enough time to put the badge on , apparenty I can blog from my cell but cannot copy the badges html from it :D ...... I honestly thank you again. You dont know what this means to me..... and also Have a very happy and prosperous year ahead!!

Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
9 years ago

Great, I'm very glad I could helpp you even a bit. :)

Now try getting past the 1 year mark, that's where they say most dropouts happen. Keep logging, don't fret much about the blog hits, they wil come, you concentrate on giving the best content out. These pointers served me well when I started out. You wil do well. 1 more thing, the font...italics and everything is very nice, try switching to a similar one which is a little more legible.

A very fantastic year for you as well :)

Enjoy the journey, you will make a lot of friends on the way. Count me as one of them :)


The Kindred World
The Kindred World
from Worldwide
9 years ago

I visited your blog and I must say you are quite a traveller, I have read about setting up tents and fires only in books! It was a very refreshing experience to read it in your blog!  camping trekking and that too solo , Your blog is a worth reading one. I was also very thrilled to read your biking because my shool pal does that and I see his pics in fb and I think -Now thats life! Although I have never seen him on solo trips like you! That was very brave of you. I  thought I would read just a part of it but I ended up reading whateverwas  on the page, you really know how to keep your readers engaged. Very nicely built up travel blog with honest personal experiences. I am going to be a regular reader of your blog for sure

Thank you so much for sharing!!! And it is great to see science students taking the less travelled path of blogging! I am a chemistry student myself and look what I choose to write about-fashion! :D


I wish you all the very best for future !!!

The Kindred World
The Kindred World
from Worldwide
9 years ago

Thank you so much... yes haha the italics is making it a little annoying , my friends have mentioned that to me....I will work on that soon....thank you so much .....thanks for being so helpful.... and I wish you all the best too!! I will keep blogging and my motivation for that is life is too short and I have alredy wasted a lot of it :)

Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
9 years ago

Haha, thank you so much. Just as you said, life is too short, so I invested mine in adventure and travel. :D I'm glad you liked it, wil love to take you along on my journeys through this digital platform. :)

Chemistry student and fashion, waah waah! Hope I will know the name behind Kindred World sometime. Cya! :)

The Kindred World
The Kindred World
from Worldwide
9 years ago

Thank you so much!! I mean to keep your posts regularly :) yea the name of the blog was just something I wanted to name my fantasy entrepreneual venture lol....something like a family hahaa.....but I found a much better name for that and thus kept this name for my blog must be thinking I am crazy.  And yes I have added a fb page and removed the italics if you ever got a chance to visit my blog. Cya have a great day