Hi, I would like you all to review my food blog
Its been 6 months into blogging and slowly improving my blog. I would like if someone would please review my food blog.
Good use of the three-coloumn theme. The subscribe by email box could have been in a more prominent position (higher). A call to action or ad after each post maybe a good idea - do consider.
The pics in each post looks professional - great work. Good categorization, but there maybe too many labels. But since you have highlighted only the important ones on the top, the long list of labels on the sidebar should be fine.
Overall, an excellent effort. If you improvise on what people want, I am sure your blog will become popular in its niche (if it already isn't). All the best!
Hey Thanks for the review. I will make the subscribe box more prominant. Will try changing or organising the labels. Thanks!! I am working on to improve the look and the header.Hope it works!! :)