Would love to get feedback on my blog.
My blog is basically about my rants and thoughts along with my art and cartoons.
Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Nice blog you have got there..
- Cool TLD.. Nice use of words there..
- Design is simple and very bloggiesh, typical old fashion blog.. Really liked it..
- Web site loads fast, liked that too..
- No ads, cool.. Double LIKE
Few things I might add..
- Please use Read More tag to shorten the home page length..
- Adjust the post pane size in proportionate with your side bar (for home page only..)
Apart from that, a very nice, clean blog.. Best of Luck !!
Good one.
Lots of pictures.
Nice Minute Observations.
Keep it up. Great potential.
Hey nice blog. And Congrats, your blog has been listed in my blog under, "Listed Life Coach Blogs" section. You get a Badge. I've just started collecting those blogs I visit that I find interesting. Keep up the good work and keep blogging - Sridhar Chandrasekaran, Life Coach