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Feedback on my blog

from Germany
10 years ago


I write about anything and everything that touches my heart. I am interested in people, relationships and search for answers in people and their behavior. My blog has lot of instances from my life and I am constantly evolving as a person and a writer.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Noida
10 years ago

Think about the colour scheme that you're using. Light-dark text on a light background makes it difficult to concentrate and read. Similarly, the text appearing over the background image isn't readable. Also, the title font makes it difficult to read at times.

Give it a thought!

from Germany
10 years ago

Thanks Yayawar. I have done a few changes in the color scheme and hope the look is better now.

from Noida
10 years ago

Much-much better in terms of readability. Thanks for fixing. Smile

The background image (bright flowers) are still covering the right hand side links and text. Consider any alternate placement.

from Noida
10 years ago

Do I deserve a reciprocal review of my blog now? Wink