mahul bhattacharya would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

What do you feel about what I write?

mahul bhattacharya
mahul bhattacharya
from Bangalore
15 years ago

My personal blog talks about myself, my thoughts and my world. It's also about my perception of people and situations. It's not very thought out or planned, I write what I feel like writing. My blog is sarcastic and has a cynical angle to it. The humor, if and wherever it exists, is dark. It's more about laughing at myself.

To be very frank, my blog doesn't have many readers. But then it doesn't really bother me much because I blog for myself. However, I have this desire to actually find out what people think about my blog. Thus I would be very grateful to you guys if you tell me what you think about my blog.

Replies 1 to 7 of 7
Sonya Gee
Sonya Gee
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Dear Mahul,

My feedback :

1.The layout is clutterfree,simple,direct,-I like it.The content is honest,your perception about life and all(as you mentioned) and dark at some places (as you mentioned).Its good that your blog has quality (but few) readers and I guess that's what that should matter to a good blogger .

2. I read the first post on patties and train, hmmm,then I went and read few others.You have some real good writings on your blog .I suggest you should avoid using slangs like gal in the posts.

3.I liked the sketch you had done and posted on one of the blogs.You are a really talented sketcher.

good luck .


mahul bhattacharya
mahul bhattacharya
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Thanks you so much Sonya for visiting my blog and giving me your feedback.

Though I've said that it doesn't matter to me if my blog doesn't have readers, i must tell you how glad I am since you liked my blog. As far as the sketch goes, I'm thankful once again.

I do not swear much; but since my style leans towards the cynical, I sometimes tend to use a few words which are not exactly parliamentary. I would definitely try to stay away from using such words in the future.

Adesh Sidhu
Adesh Sidhu
from Gurgaon
15 years ago

I loved your design template. It is clean, clutterfree and your have kept right amount of widgets.

Your posts are engrossing and intersting. Went through couple of posts and enjoyed them.

You should right more frequent and follow a regular frequency for your posts.

Keep blogging.



mahul bhattacharya
mahul bhattacharya
from Bangalore
15 years ago


Thank you very much for reviewing my blog. I'm very happy that you liked the template and the posts.

I totally agree with you. I'm an irregular blogger and I do not blog much. I can't really improve the fequency to a great extent, but I'll definitely try to do as much as possible.

mahul bhattacharya
mahul bhattacharya
from Bangalore
15 years ago


Thanks for your review. I accept that there are script errors in the template, but then I never get the enthu to sit back and correct them.

Its good to hear that you liked my about me section.

from Bangalore
15 years ago


Your blog has got a very nice template I like simple no-frills ones.... very good...

Ok you blog for yourself but then world also needs to read your well written stories and "discover" your hidden talent Laughing !!!

Nevertheless keep blogging

Cheers !!!

mahul bhattacharya
mahul bhattacharya
from Bangalore
15 years ago


Thanks a lot for the review.

It feels really nice when you speak of talent, I only hope I could do better. And yes, thanks for commenting on my blog. I hope you will keep visiting.