Requesting very sincerely, a critic review of my blog.
I don't blog on any specific subject or issue. I do it whenever whatever insists me to put upon my view.
You site has beautiful content but the ads everywhere is disturbing!
Thanks a lot for your valuable review remarks. I am going to take care of minimizing the disturbing elements.
Your words are precious.
As a professional SEO optimizer, I am reviewing your blog –
1. You are using lots of ads. All those ads are making your blog spammy. All of your contents looks good However I stopped reading your content because of all those flying ad boxes. My suggestion is – first generate some traffic, then add limited number of ads.
2. Your blog title is not search engine optimized.
3. Blog design is ok as it is a blogspot blog.
4. No keywords in content
5. Overall 240 external links detected.
Thanks a lot for your valuable and worthy enough. I am going to solve the issues as suggested by you.
Again my sincere thanks for your precious suggestions.