To all Veterans & Newbies, please be my good tutors...
My blog right here before you veterans and newbies... do me the favor... [Buddha like smile]
Reason: Spelling mistake ;)
Hi there,
Your blog is good but the font is too large. It is uneasy as you can't set your eyes on one thing. Also the large text means that text is there all over the page which takes the reader's attention away from the main post.
I would suggest that you work on your design and layout as it is very important to attract readers. A good design with soothing colours ensures that the reader is hooked. You can take a look at my blog, The Howling Wolves from my profile.
I would also suggest that you use a three column template rather than a two column template. It gives you more space to experiment with.
The content is very nice. The photographs are very lively and ensure reader's engagement. You just have to work on your blog's design, layout, colour and font.
I hope that this helps you to make your blog more beautiful and useful.
Its been really kind of you buddy... much appreciate your help Yashasvi :)
Had a look at your blog, by the way, thanks for dropping on my blog too. I had gone through your blog long back.
Anyways, my two anna's worth of comments:
1) Get feedburner access to your blog so that people can subscribe to your contents
2) remove copyright content because you are already having each and every photo copy righted
3)Work on site map and solve those coming soon pages, you already have good content, why not aggregate them in one place
4) Being a photographer, share your photo's via photo sharing sites as well
The good:
1) For a photo Blog, you have a nice template. Very pleasing to the eye
2) Content is short and sweet, that would please a grammer ****
Thanks Sneh! Any idea how to make feedburner access?? [blank smile]
Sure, just go in blogger settings -> layout -> add gadget (at whatever space you see fit in post) -> follow by email.
Easy right.
When it is on your blogger template, open your blog and click on follow blog via email, follow the instructions and you are set.
Oh thanks again Sneh! Can you please see if you taught the same thing which I've done? If it's working correctly I can proudly pat my back [grin]
Hi Anunoy,
I visited your blog and would suggest the below pointers on improvement.
1) The basic idea of this blog is not clear. You say that this is a photography and some fiction indulgence blog but still your blog has so much more info! You have written about photography and fiction, no doubt about that but there is also reviews, poetry, random musings and travelogues. So firstly, you should update your headline to include all the types of posts you write on your blog. The name of your blog is also not very informative in terms of giving a reader an idea of what the blog is about!
2) The font is too large. You should tone down on the size.
3) Your social media buttons where readers can follow you should be placed higher on the blog. Maybe below the Facebook "Like" button at the top right hand side.
4) you have created various tabs but no content is there. This should be rectified. Do add related content there so readers can read the various types of posts like Reviews under the Reviews tab etc.
5) Get a Feedburner or "follow via email" option for your blog so that all your updates reach your readers mail boxes.
6) You have already placed a copyright message at the bottom so there is no need to add another one on the right side of your blog.
7) I would suggest a three column layout so you can have your archives on the left side at a level where people can simply check that to reach a particular post.
8) Place a search bar in your blog so people can search for a particular type of post.
9) Have maximum upto 5 posts on the page because according to studies people lose interest in a blog after two scroll downs. :)
10) Your photography is very cool and posts well written. Just work on a more eye catching layout. You can have a collage of photos at the top to tell the readers that this is a photography blog mainly with some reviews, poetry and other stuff.
The sharing buttons on the left side are totally cool. I loved them. Do let me know what code you used. The content is very well written and I hope you get many followers. All the best. :)
Do checkout my blog also at Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff and leave your review. Here is the link to my topic:
Thanks Nikita! Points noted with gratitude [smile]
Oh I missed it, here's your code:-
<!-- Scrolling social Button BEGIN --><div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_counter_style" style="left:0px;top:140px;"><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="box_count"></a><a class="addthis_button_tweet" tw:count="vertical"></a><a class="addthis_button_google_plusone" g:plusone:size="tall"></a><a class="addthis_counter"></a></div><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script><!-- Scrolling social Button END -->
Any more kind soul to review my blog? [hopeful wink]