bhaswati would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Please spare wee bit of your time to read my blog. Any feedback is most welcome!

from bangalore
10 years ago

Life is empty without relationships and relationships are meaningless without love. My blog tries to skim the prodiguous depths of these timeless concepts and hope that it'll touch a few souls in turn. 

Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Anshu Priya
Anshu Priya
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Make it a dynamic blog so that people can visit other pages which looks attractive.



from bangalore
10 years ago

Thanks so much for your helpful avice Anshu.:)

monideepa sahu
monideepa sahu
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hi Bhaswati. What I liked about your blog is the quality and depth of your content. You have a focus, and are putting time and thought into your posts. Good work there.

My suggestions: Invite more readers, engage them into exchanging feedback. I'm not too good at this with my own blog. But as I see it, you could invite guest posts or have reader surveys, maybe offer some token prizes, like books on relationships.

You can also link to other relevant blogs/ matrimonial websites  and offer readers a variety of information/resources under your blog's umbrella.

Ever thought of launching a boutique matchmaking service of your own? Why not ask your readers if they are game for it, and then you can intro them to other readers who might match their preferences?

As for the look of the site, add some bright visuals, photos to go with the posts. A brighter background and template would surely make readers more excited.

hope this helps. Happy blogging

from bangalore
10 years ago

Hi Monideepa...thank you so much for your helpful suggestions and tips!! It's a great pleasure to hear from you and I will definitely follow your advice. Thanks again for reading :)


Hemant Arora
Hemant Arora
from Pune
10 years ago

Hi Bhaswati,

Went through few articles on your blog and yeah..pretty nice work!!

Reviewing third blog since yesterday and it seems that a lot of bloggers don't give enough time to the representation. Let me be specific on what areas you may consider improving:

- Font change for tagline: "All of us have been in love....."; if possible..shorten it a little bit.

- Bring the home button on the top. Initially I thought it doesn't exist but then found it when I scrolled down. It is also not contrasting with background making it almost irrelevant. 

- 3 Ads on the top make the appearance poor. You may consider doing something about it.

- Pages can be adjusted on the top beside home button; which would make it easy for audience to browse through diff pages.

- I see ten posts listed as popular ones. Not sure what is the problem..but the section doesn't look good in appearance. You may remove the post highlights or reduce the number to see what suits best.

- Too many lebels....consider reducing them or remove the same. You already have pages.

- I am unsure about "News & entertainment" section fitting into the theme of your blog. 

- Bring Blog archive up.

Your content is the strength of your blog...keep writing..Happy Blogging!!

from bangalore
10 years ago

Hi Hemanth, thanks for taking the time to read my blog and also for all your recommendations. I'll certainly try to follow and apply all your advices!!