Neerja Sharma would like you to review his/her blog.
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want honest feedback on my blog, regarding the content in particular

Neerja Sharma
Neerja Sharma
from Noida
15 years ago

I am a relatively new blogger and want genuine inputs from people as to how they feel after reading my blog. This will help me pen down ideas in a better, reader-centric way.

The url for my blog is


Edited 15 years ago
Reason: wan to improve my blog's readership
Replies 1 to 9 of 9
Sonya Gee
Sonya Gee
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Hi Neerja,

I went through your blog and read your 7 entries.My feedback :

1.You have a way with words and your writings are honest .I liked it.

2. You write on various subjects and keep interest of readers open.

3.I liked the way you had put hyperlinks on certain keywords in your post of happy fathers' day :)

Suggestions :

1. In link section, there are two links on Me-Edit which may have been left there inadvertantly, please remove them.

2. you have a nice layout but do try newer layouts and elements to make the page look bright.

3. Plz give categories and add a tag cloud .

4.In case you are writing on subjective matter, a crisp post with pointers or bullets would be more effective.

and see you around more. Happy Blogging :)



from Bangalore
15 years ago


Having gone through your posts I felt very nice by your style of writing !!!

Ur template is also very simple and you don't have any nagging widget "galore" which are very obstructive...

One suggestion though is you can add the Indiblogger badge in the sidebar rather than adding it to the post...

I myself also is a relatively newbie blogger so I really can't have "expert" comments Wink

but I felt yours is a good blog and keep posting !!!!


Neerja Sharma
Neerja Sharma
from Noida
15 years ago

Thank you so much for your suggestions and inputs......Thanks a lot Sonya for driving my attention to the Me-Edit link....I actually didn't see it .


And Dhiman I like your advice of putting the Indi Blogger Badge in the sidebar...makes sense to me.....Thanks again Guys. Keep reading my blogs and giving your inputs.

Sonya Gee
Sonya Gee
from New Delhi
15 years ago

you are most welcome Neerja.

from Chennai
15 years ago

Hey your post M for mayawati was awesome.. But about the educational system was same.. I really got bored reading about our education system in each and every blog. A request letter to monsoon was absolutely stunning.. I would rate it as your best......

Neerja Sharma
Neerja Sharma
from Noida
15 years ago

I know Shankar some topics have actually become so cliched that it's like reading the same old stuff...but the irony is there is so much talk, yet no effect of that talk.......everything is the same as it was!!!!

from Chennai
15 years ago

Our stuffs about society are just going into deaf ears...

No use writing again and again about it..

Arpit Rastogi
Arpit Rastogi
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Check These Templates Out.

Opt for some Template which suits your Blog best. Smile

Manish Misra
Manish Misra
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Hi Neerja,

You have interesting writings, have left a comment on your latest post.

One thing, please include your blog link in the request for review above.


Manish    |     |    Please review

Neerja Sharma
Neerja Sharma
from Noida
15 years ago

Arpit thanks a ton for the url you have sent for these really cool templates...will try to incorporate one of these.


And Manish as you suggested, I have added the link to my blog in my review request. Hope it helps.