Kindly Review my Blog and Share your Opinion
Desi Kanoon is a multi-authored, general legal interest website. This website is produced by a group of legal scholars committed to track vital advancements in the legal domain and the Constitutional design of India. The goal of the site is to make these and other resources available to those involved in the field of law.
Reason: Minor Edit
Since you have already mentioned that this blog is for 'those involved in the field of law', so i don't think there is much to be done. Then this site is already excellent.
The real challenge will come if you start writing it for general public, for people having no background of law. Then you will have to further simplify your articles with examples and interesting Indian cases. I think then, your blog will become a true gem.
All the best :)
Thanks for your valuable input and comment. I understand that most of my writings are quite technical in nature and no person from non-legal background would be interested in reading them.
You have given me a wonderful idea. Apart from hardcore law topics, I would certainly try to write on law-related topics that could be read by the general public as well.
Thanks again. :)