It's Traffic news
My blog '' is all about traffic travails in chennai but may apply to any traffic. Have a look.
Puyal, traffic news is a great topic! It is something that all of us experience everyday, and yet I have never come across a blog about it. Good job on posting about the traffic issues. The map on the left hand side about Chennai traffic area status is informative and I bet helpful to many people. This page appears to be a bit cluttered. However, I did go to the new blog you mention Neat design!!!!
But, I am a bit confused as to which is the traffic news blog. Is it the chennairoadtraffic or the
Blog is little bit confused type in nature. i din't find any interesting in it, also the blog is not such high niche.
work on it.
Thanks Mr. Adarsh for visiting. chennairoadtraffic blog is the one I started first but now I have my own space I shifted the content to or Thanks Mr. Gopinath for visiting my blog. Sorry. No offence. I know my language is poor but my intention is to highlight the mistakes that people commit which causes problems for other road users. 'Confused, not interesting & not such high niche' - Is it because of my language or content. If possible please give some hints as I don't want my intention to help other road users compromised.
hi Puyal:
Looked at both your blogs.
The new one is really slick in design, but actually I liked the content of your previous one better.
Here are some concrete suggestions. I really admire your effort BTW. If you even avert one accident, your effort is well worth it...
1. Need more picutres in your new blog
2. The blues are a bit monotonous. Can you add just a little more color? Not too much...
3. Post Titles - you have cool-sounding post titles, but I am not getting a feel for the content at all. I'd suggest that you have a few strict categories and post within those parameters until your readership gets used to them.
(Example: one category could be 'bad roads')
4. All of us have the tendency to discuss about things not relevant to the main theme of the blog. I recommend that you keep this one purely about the "traffic" aspects and if there are other topics, just start a new blog.
Much admire your energy and efforts,
@ Puyal : I am still laughing at the tag line " Thank you God for letting me come back home in one piece riding through the chennai traffic!" LOL LOL
@Ram, very good review.
@Puyal, I did visit I agree with all of Ram's comments.
My suggestion would be to move the 'Categories' widget to the top, so that it is more visible to viewers. Also noticed few postings in 'Uncharacterized' category. May be you could call them as 'Snippets' or something on those lines instead of them being under no category. How about the traffic map on this site?
Again, commend you for your efforts in attempting to make a positive difference to the community.
All the best!