Hina Qureshi would like you to review his/her blog.
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Hi all..Just started blogging..Please review my blog so that I keep up the good

Hina Qureshi
Hina Qureshi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

My Blog is related to everything which affects me, or everyone of us on a daily basis- be it the Indian politics, women's safety, career, friendship, relationship, job, business, family, environment, and so many endless things which we encounter everyday in our lives. Only 1 funda to be applied..Smile and Move On Smile

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Gandhinagar
10 years ago

Hi Hina

I liked your blog. Short and sweet posts. For a lazy person like me...short posts are easier to read :). You have a good sense of humour and the sattires are hilarious. Great work. Keep writing coz I was heart broken when your posts list ended too soon. *overdramatic* :P

Hina Qureshi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Thanks so much Kusum..By the way I am a frequent writer and there's a new post up for reads Laughing There is also a Mumbai week coming up from the 25th of November 2013 till the 1st of December 2013..

from Gandhinagar
10 years ago

yes, I saw it. And you are welcome. :)