om prakash would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 53

Pls Review my blog and give me suggestion how can i improve my blog...

om prakash
om prakash
from delhi
11 years ago

Blog contains the all kind of  pomes written by me .It have been divided in to  catagories.

Yoo will never get bore  in reading this blog.

Edited 10 years ago
Reason: format
Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Hitakshi Bawa
Hitakshi Bawa
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Hei OM,

I liked your blog as It's a Mini POems World and m too from litracy world. couple of things I would like to mention:-

  • try and give proper alignment to your poems, I know u might find the alignments you using treandy but from reader's front it's not.
  • I liked the theme of your blog but u can have a Logo designed for it.
  • I' m unable to see any social icons on your blog, t5ry to make it more visible.

Rest all is fine.... and keep blogging :)

om prakash
from delhi
10 years ago

Thanks Hitakshi ji for your valuable advice,I will certainly do that. I didnot get the point of social icon ,Does it related to facebook twitter, google+

etc.If it is that the n i have given share it on facebook and twitter button..,So pls specify that you mean by social icon.

om prakash
om prakash
from delhi
11 years ago

Thanks Hitakshi ji for your valuable advice,I will certainly do that. I didnot get the point of social icon ,Does it related to facebook twitter, google+

etc.If it is that the n i have given share it on facebook and twitter button..,So pls specify that you mean by social icon.

Hi Om..visited your blog..Nice writing style and well expressed...keep writing and best of luck..Smile

om prakash
from delhi
10 years ago

Thanks Maniparna ji...thank a lot for  reviewint my blog.....

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Same as hitakshi....  but also i owuld like to add that please make your intro more attractive by using descriptive words for what your blog is all about. like "welcome to the world of words." to begin with so.

om prakash
from delhi
10 years ago

Thanks Nidhi for the suggestion..i will surely do that..

Supriya Sinha
Supriya Sinha
from Delhi
10 years ago

हिंदी में ब्लॉग लिखना बड़ी बात है....मैं समझती हूँ इस बात को...इंग्लिश में लिख लिख कर हम कहीं न कहीं अपनी मातृभाषा से दूर होते जा रहे... इंग्लिश में लिखे ब्लॉग भी अच्छे होते है...पर हमे हिंदी भाषा को बढावा देना चाहिए....इसमें प्रयासरत रहें...

om prakash
from delhi
10 years ago

Thanku and Yeh you r right :)