Eli would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://expatliv.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 40

Looking for feedback on my blog

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Dear fellow bloggers, Just joined Indiblogger,and will be grateful if you would like to give me feedback on my blog. Best, Eli 

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hey Eli,

Welcome to IndiBlogger! I love your blog - your pictures are a treat to watch and so is your content, it is always interesting to know the life and thoughts of an expat living in Mumbai. Feels great to be connected with you. Smile

Below are a few suggestions that you might consider:

1. The widgets in the widget section (forked and towards the right side) seem to be spilling out (a bit) in the background from the main blog frame.

2. The facebook widget is overlapping the email subscriber and google plus badge, thus masking their presence.

3. Please put a 'Google followers widget', I am sure there are many who would like to follow your blog >> I being one myself! :)

Rest is simply awesome. You already have a great space: very well written, light and easy to read with the header collage saying everything that your blog is all about. Keep blogging. Good Luck. Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thanks Arti:-) I really love your blog as well, and so happy to connect with you:-) And thanks so much for your suggestions - really appreciated. I think I found the widget you suggest (?). (Those widgets/gadgets .. - not my strong side...). and will for sure look at the rest. Thanks a million again - talk to you soonSmile